Jan 2013

Cold Morning bike ride.

A rather cold January scene from my early morning bike.

Bike Ride January

Floor removal

I spent Monday working with Roland, our friend & carpenter, ripping up the old kitchen floor.
Floor removalFloor removal (1)
Floor removal (3)

Piece of rosewood

I acquired a nice piece of Bolivian Rosewood as a rather rough plank.
Roland planed into a finished board (below)
Bolivian Rosewood
Then I sanded from 120 grade paper down to 400 grade.
Bolivian Rosewood (2)
Finally a quick run down with mineral spirits to give a preview of the final finish.
Bolivian Rosewood (3)
Its going to go on the sloping cut through by the stairs.

Stump removal

Owen’s task over the Xmas holidays was to dig out an old tree stump. Here is his progress.Stump Removal 1
Stump Removal 2

Stump Removal 2 (1)